Douglas Adams once said, ‘Technology is a word that describes something that doesn’t work yet’. However, having made significant strides in the tech industry from artificial neural networks (ANN) and autonomous robots to the different expressions of commercialized AI, that statement has been proven wrong. It is noteworthy that these strides would be impossible without the fearless front runners who dared to dream and burrow deep into the realm of machine learning, clearing the path for these welcome achievements. Today, humanity reaps the rewards of their pioneering work, which continues to evolve and shape our future.
Technology is anything that makes our lives easier or solves a problem.-Unknown
At Hamoye, we strongly believe this statement and catalyzing the next generation of problem solver lies at the core of our mission. We are dedicated to providing every intern with hands-on experience, allowing them to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Throughout their tenure at Hamoye, interns are encouraged to embark on practical machine learning projects. This not only reinforces their understanding of key concepts but also sharpens their ability to tackle tangible challenges.
HDSC Spring ’ 24 Capstone Projects
All interns in the current cohort should note the following:
I. Each group should come up with generative AI driven topics of their own relevant to their sourced datasets. We have provided you with topics (and datasets) explored by past interns in previous projects only for reference purposes.
II. Each group should craft a proposal that shows how they intend to implement a chosen GenAI model and what they hope to achieve with the implementation. Proposals have to be approved by Hamoye before your group can proceed with your project.
III. Groups can use the sample datasets but should source additional datasets that will aid their model implementations.
Find your project details below:
Theme: Remittance patterns
Sample Datasets: Dataset 1, Dataset 2, Dataset 3, Dataset 4
Past Topics:
- Remittance patterns and economic development
- Impact of natural disasters on remittance flow
- Forecast Remittance transaction costs
Theme: Electrification
Sample Datasets: Dataset 1, Dataset 2, Dataset 3
Past Topics:
- Global household electrification
- Predicting future electrification needs
- Predictive Modeling of Electricity Access in Africa
Theme: Malaria
Sample Datasets: Dataset 1, Dataset 2, Dataset 3
Past Topics:
- Malaria in Africa
- Predicting High-Risk Zones for Malaria Outbreaks
- Forecasting Antimalarial Drug Needs
- Impact of Maternal Education on Child Malaria Rates
Theme: Educational Infrastructure
Sample Datasets: Dataset 1, Dataset 2, Dataset 3
Past Topics:
- Predicting School Completion Rates in developing countries
- Forecasting Future Education Spending
- Forecasting Scholarship Aid Based on Regional Needs
- Predictive Modeling of Policy Impact on Refugee Numbers
Theme: Food Security and Access
Sample Datasets: Dataset 1, Dataset 2, Dataset 3
Past Topics:
- Using Diet Analysis to Predict and Prevent Child Malnutrition
- Using ML to assess the nutritional status of children and identify risk factors for malnutrition
Theme: Climate Change and Social Conflicts
Sample Datasets: Dataset 1, Dataset 2, Dataset 3
Past Topic:
Forecasting the Probability of a Conflict Arising in an African Nation
Theme: Biodiversity Preservation
Sample Datasets: Dataset 1, Dataset 2
Past Topics:
- Animals species detection using Deep learning
- Animal Count in Images
- Developmental Stage Classification of Animals
Theme: Infrastructure Deficit
Sample Datasets: Dataset1, Dataset 2
Past Topic:
Infrastructure Deficit